Red Moments Moments is a pioneer in personalised gifting products, boasting of more than 400 exclusively manufactured and customised gifts. Unlike other brands that are operating in the general gifting space, Red Moments focuses solely on personalised gifting. Only personalised gifting can offer customers the opportunity to imprint their own photos and words with their own design themes on the products.

It can take around 300 to 500 sq. feet in a high-street area or a mall.

Margins can be around 80% to 200% depending on the product. As per our practical experience, just the ROI will be 100% in 12 to 18 months.

The shop can be either owned or rented on a long-term basis. Based on the survey of the particular area, the company will decide if the franchise is feasible or not.

Yes, the company with its vast market network across the India will help you in searching for a convenient location.

Not much, actually. We will provide you and your staff with extensive practical training.

Yes, RM will help in making furniture and fixtures on the actual cost. We have authorised carpenters for the job, and the prices will be at par with the market.

ROI will be 100% in 12 to 18 months depending on the store (its location, size, etc.). The ROI covers all investments made to set up the store.

Yes, you will enjoy exclusivity in franchise store for the particular area. The company will make sure that there is no direct competition between any franchise stores.

a) Investment in Heat Press Machinery / Sublimation Printer / Raw Material is around `4.5 lacs to `5 lacs.
b) Investment in furniture and fixtures is approximately around `2000 per sq. feet including flooring, ceiling, electrical, AC, and product display structures.
c) A onetime Franchisee Fee of `3 lacs.

A minimum of 3 people required to operate the store.

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