July 01, 2020



“Siblings are the lens through which you see your childhood”


The connection between siblings is hard to describe. It is comfort, it is annoyance, it is friendship, it is everything. If friends are the family we choose, our siblings are gifts from nature itself. Most of us will never know another human being long enough as our siblings. Nothing competes with the connection and love of a sibling. They are our friend, our protector, our biggest enemy and our best friend. 


No matter how much time we spend with our colleagues or buddies in social circles; one always has a special place for siblings. A sibling will never leave your side and will protect you from every trouble. We grow up with them; we learn from them and we develop our habits from them. Learning never stops. Without even our own knowledge, we learn so much from our siblings. Be it an algebra lesson from your elder sister or some pokemon trivia from your younger brother, you always have something new to look out for. The elder one will always protect his younger one and the younger one teaches the elder one a few tricks about patience (younger ones can get annoying sometimes!). It is not just about the knowledge, they offer us an ear and unrelenting support at the time of any crisis. 


There have been many great wars in the past. For example, the Kargil War, World Wars, War for that last bite of ice-cream etc. You get the idea. This part is one-sided as the elder one always seems to win (provided that the little one doesn’t go crying over to his parents). These situations are really tight and one needs to get what they want. Quoting Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones in this situation makes a lot of sense: “When you play the Game of Ice-Cream, you get that last bite or you cry.”


From the biggest enemy to our best friend, our sibling has many faces. They are those messiahs through which you share the utmost tiniest detail of your life. They always have your back against the good, bad and ugly moments. We rely on their insights a lot more than we think we do. They expect us to do the same and we have to reciprocate or else it might trigger a conflict worse than the previous wars. After all, these are the memories we will cherish when one ages. It comes naturally at the time but we really need to pass on a few tricks on how to tolerate a sibling to the next generation. These little moments stay with us for a lifetime and we do not even realise we are in it.   


This is where those little tokens of appreciation come into play. Your little sister would not forget the time you gave her a personalized gift. It is no less than a treasure for her. I said that there is an element of reciprocity and the younger one should have something for its sibling as well! (perhaps, a spoonful of ice cream ONLY for them). 


Raksha bandhan is an unique festival wherein you appreciate those past and future moments of togetherness. It is a reminder that your big sibling always has your back against anyone and your younger sibling can remind you about those unforgettable childhood memories. The bonds with your siblings are unique and can never be explained. This Rakhi, sit together over a cup of chai and recollect your childhood memories. 


However old you are when you are with your sibling, you revert to childhood. 


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