May 15, 2020



The world has changed in front of our eyes. These are tough times for each one of us, all around the world. This pandemic has forced us to be away from everyone we used to call ‘home’. It seems as if the world is on a pause.

But, there is a lot of negativity in the world right now, so let’s look at how this pandemic has turned out to shape us for the better. From appreciating the small little joys of our life to being kind and compassionate towards others’ troubles, we are realising it all. One thing though that most of us neglect is being kind to our own selves. We are so used to running around, focusing on work, managing households that we are unaware of how to react when we actually have time for ourselves. We forget how the most important person in our life’s journey is not our companion or our friend or a boss or even our parents, but we ourselves. So, let us take this time, enjoy this pause and learn to re-love our own selves. Here are a few things you can take up to make your time at home a little less lonely:


Say hello to hobbies

When was the last time anyone asked you about your hobby? As we grow up, our hobby is supposed to be our work! But finally, we have some time to ourselves so why not pick up a long lost passion and say hello to our hobbies again. From cooking to painting, to writing, do whatever makes YOU happy.


Move that body

Don’t we all always complain about how we don’t have enough time to workout? Well, now you do! Take out some time for yourself and invest in your wellbeing, both mental and physical. Taking care of your body is the only thing that will keep you going in your life.


Learn something new

Ever wanted to start learning how to write or cook? Well, if not now then when! You can use this time to learn a new skill, anything at all. It will not just keep you busy, but also prove to be very therapeutic Do something you have always wanted to do, be it start a podcast or write a blog!


Talk.. Talk.. Talk...

What better time to ring up an old school friend and reminiscence in the memories? Or knock on your neighbour’s door for a cup of chai? Let yourself feel the joy of talking to your loved ones. Reconnect with old friends, make some new friends and you will realise you are not alone.


Family Time

Use this opportunity to reconnect and have fun with your family! Take out your old board games or a pack of cards and feel the happiness as you re-bond with your family members. 

And if you don’t feel like doing any of the above, know that it is OKAY. The world is enough to give us anxiety, we don’t need to add on to it by pressurising ourselves. Remember, be proud of your own growth, appreciate your own pace and love your own space. The world of social media hides peoples’ insecurities and troubles, don’t give in to the pressure of being ‘productive’. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and your mental health because if not you, then who will? Lastly, know that you are not alone and we will get out of this stronger and better, ready for a sweeter, more appreciative, more kind tomorrow. So, don’t be a COVIDIOT and enjoy your quarantine YOUR way!


We are forced to be alone with the only companion being our thoughts. 

These are tough times for neighbors everywhere, so it is important to treat each other with kindness and compassion. Neighbors are working from home, home-schooling children, sharing cramped living spaces, caring for a sick family member, or all of the above. And many people are experiencing much more difficult situations than this. When posting about a neighbor on Nextdoor, we ask you to slow down and consider not only the tone of your post or comment but also what your neighbor might be going through.

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